Computer hardware and software are an ever changing technology. Each day they become a more integral part of our lives. With the release of Windows Vista and especially Windows 7 , computer operating systems are increasingly user friendly. You can use your computer to chat with friends or family by using an Instant Messenger (IM) program or the Webcam feature; keep in touch using e-mail; upload pictures from your digital camera and print them in many sizes and shapes; save addresses and phone numbers in an address book; do online banking using Quicken or directly with your bank; send and receive faxes; download music for as little as .50 per song to create your own CD; prepare multimedia presentations; show family pictures from your hard drive on your Home Entertainment System; take pictures of your valuables and store them on CD for insurance in case of fire. With Wireless G or N you can roam your home without wires while on the internet. The possibilities are limitless. Don't miss the boat. Now is the time to become involved. Member of the Wythe/Bland Chamber of Commerce See my Centurylink Yellow Pages listing under COMPUTERS-SERVICE & REPAIR
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